Posted on February 28, 2022
Shalom TBAY!
Many thanks to our congregants Michelle Manders and Matthew Goldstein and all the participants in our annual JDAIM service! If you missed the service, you can find it on our Facebook page at We especially appreciated the stirring and powerful D’Var Torah by Rabbi Renee Edelman from Temple Sha’arey Shalom.
On Saturday, we discussed the verses relating to the weaving done by the skilled women, the women who were wise of heart.” We noted that there is very little commentary about these verses and that they have been used to prohibit women from activities that were not in service to their families (including Torah study!). We noted the difference between the two verses and surmised that the rabbis didn’t really know how the work was done so they made some assumptions, including that it meant the women were able to spin the hair while it was still on the goats.. We also discussed the commitment of the women to work with the more difficult goats hair. What do you think? Here is a link to the Source Sheet.
Shavua Tov!
— Rabbi Rubin : )