Posted on May 13, 2022
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Greetings:
Torah Question of the Week: Have you ever had to make sacrifices for a job you are doing or a commitment you have made? Did you always know about these in advance? In this week’s Torah portion, the priests are told about some of the restrictions on where they can go and whom they can marry because of the sanctity required of them as priests. How have you reacted when you have learned after the fact of additional restrictions or requirements associated with the commitments you have made?
It is Installation Weekend and we have a very busy weekend planned! The Installation Ceremony and Kabbalat Shabbat services are at 6:30 p.m. tonight, with an oneg sponsored by Women’s League. Shabbat morning services will be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., followed by a Mediterranean kiddush luncheon. We will have a dessert Havdalah at TBAY Saturday night at 8:45. Sunday morning, we have our Shorashim Siyyum and Moving Up Ceremony, followed by a Barbecue sponsored by Men’s Club. We will finish the weekend with a Cocktail Party and Celebration. All services and programs are multi-access: in person and on Zoom. To register to come in person, please go to Please note that masks will be required at all Installation Weekend events, except when actively eating or drinking. The Zoom links can be found in the Shabbat Preview.
Shabbat Shalom!
— Rabbi Rubin : )