Posted on August 18, 2023
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Greetings:
Torah Question of the Week: How do you decide what is fair and what is just? Should all people be treated the same way regardless? Or are there layers or nuances we should take into consideration, such as age, environment and circumstances? In this week’s Torah portion, we are commanded to pursue justice (the famous line “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof” – “Justice, justice shall you pursue”). Does justice mean the same in all situations? How do you interpret this mitzvah?
Please join us for Shabbat Services this week on Friday night at 8:00 p.m., Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. or both! Come enjoy the goodies at the Oneg Friday night and our kiddush luncheon on Saturday. Be sure to register to come in person at so we have enough food! Both services are multi-access – in person and on Zoom. The Zoom links can be found in the Shabbat Preview.
Shabbat Shalom!
— Rabbi Rubin : )