Posted on October 1, 2021
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Greetings:
Torah Question of the Week: Have you ever done something wrong and then not wanted to own up to it? Have you shifted the blame? In this week’s portion, Adam shifts the blame for eating of the Tree of Knowledge to Eve, who shifts it to the serpent. They are all punished for their actions. Even when someone convinces us to do something, we are still responsible for our own decisions. What happens when we do not accept this responsibility?
We are delighted to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Nicolas Sieminski this week! Our Shabbat Alive! evening services are at 6:30 p.m. tonight and will only be on Zoom this week. Shabbat morning services and Nico’s Bar Mitzvah will be tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., also on Zoom. Our Sunday minyan will remain at 9:00, both in-person and on Zoom. The Zoom links can be found in the Shabbat Preview.
I hope we will see you this Shabbat! Shabbat Shalom!
— Rabbi Rubin : )