Passover is a wonderful opportunity to come together with family and friends, to retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt and connect to our history as a people.
We offer special educational programming leading up to the holiday and we host a Community Seder on the 2nd night, including an online option for those who are not able or prefer not to drive at night.
In addition to Yom Tov services at the beginning of the holiday and on Shabbat Chol ha-Omed (the intermediary Shabbat), we hold morning services on Zoom each day and a Yizkor service on the 7th day.
2025 Schedule of Services:
Passover Resources:
You can download the full Rabbinical Assembly Pesach guide at
Guidance regarding timing of Seders given Daylight Savings Time can be found here:
If you would like a refresher on kashering your kitchen for Passover, Hadar has put together a fun video series. It can be found at
If you would like to customize and create your own Haggadah, find additional resources, activities and readings, or download a themed Haggadah, you can visit This website has curated content, including readings, prayers, graphics, and games. They have a variety of sources and a well-designed platform.
Email Rabbi Finkelstein at if you have questions or need resources.
Our Torah tells us “No leaven shall be found in your houses for seven days.” (Exodus 12:19) The custom of selling chametz to non-Jews to ensure compliance with this mitzvah dates back to the third century CE. Back then, the sale was permanent, but in Poland in the late 16th century, the Jews who made their livelihood by making and selling liquor didn’t want to sell their grain permanently. Their Rabbi began allowing people to sell their chametz without removing it from their homes… and without making the sale permanent. Naturally, this approach was widely adopted and it remains the custom today.
Selling your chametz is a meaningful way to fulfill this mitzvah and is easy to do! (Of course, this means that those girl scout cookies do not belong to you that week and you cannot eat them!) If you would like to arrange for Rabbi Finkelstein to sell your chametz by proxy, please read the information here and return the contract to the TBAY office no later than Friday, April 11th, at 12:00 noon. All donations received from the sale of chametz this year will support the new SHARE Alliance Community Pantry and Kitchen in Springfield and the Kosher Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services.
Women’s League Judaica Shop
Have you stopped by our exciting gift shop lately? We are fully stocked and ready for Passover. Why not take a look at our large collection of lovely and affordable items to enhance your celebration. Remember, we offer a wonderful selection of quality items at competitive prices. All gifts are tax-free and 100% of the profits support TBAY. Keep us in mind for all your Judaica, holiday and gift giving needs. We can also special order from our vast array of suppliers.