What we discussed: B’midbar

Posted on June 10, 2024

Shalom TBAY!

Wondering what we discussed this past Shabbat? Here is a link to Friday Night’s D’Var Torah: When We Don’t Count: For Pride Shabbat.

On Saturday, we discussed the tribal leaders who assisted Moses with the census and how and why they were chosen. Was it so that the counts wouldn’t be questioned? Was it to recognize their authority in the community? What do you think? Here is a link to the source sheet.

We have our Tikkun Leil Shavuot on Tuesday night at 7:45 p.m. on Zoom and I hope you will join us! Rabbi Uri Allen from Temple Sha’arey Shalom will be leading a shiur (lesson) on why we read the Book of Ruth and I will be leading one on receiving Torah at Sinai in every generation. The Zoom information is in your Shabbat Preview.

Shavua Tov!

— Rabbi Rubin : )