Morning Minyan (No Torah reading) In-person and Online Registration required to come in person: For Zoom link, contact the office:
Pickleball Night March 1st 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cranford Recreation Center $36 Per Person ($18 for Social, no playing) $50 Per Person to sponsor [...]
Morning Minyan (No Torah reading) In-person and Online Registration required to come in person: For Zoom link, contact the office:
Men's Club 15th Annual Comedy Night Saturday, March 8th 7:30 p.m. TBAY Featuring Two Headliners: Johnny Lampert and Talia Reese $30 per person - Includes [...]
Morning Minyan (No Torah reading) In-person and Online Registration required to come in person: For Zoom link, contact the office:
Junior Congregation @ TBAY March 15th April 5th May 3rd Join Morah Heidi for a Shabbat Service designed for our Shorashim students Junior Congregation meets [...]
Morning Minyan (No Torah reading) In-person and Online Registration required to come in person: For Zoom link, contact the office:
Men's Club Texas Hold'em Thursday, March 20th 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. TBAY $25 Buy-In $35 Dinner and Drinks Kosher Sandwiches Provided by Deli King [...]
Sunday Morning Monthly Bagels and Conversation March 23rd 9:00 a.m. Minyan 9:45 a.m. Brunch Join us monthly for an in-person Sunday morning minyan. We will conclude minyan with [...]
Morning Minyan (No Torah reading) In-person and Online Registration required to come in person: For Zoom link, contact the office:
Morning Minyan (No Torah reading) In-person and Online Registration required to come in person: For Zoom link, contact the office:
Junior Congregation @ TBAY March 15th April 5th May 3rd Join Morah Heidi for a Shabbat Service designed for our Shorashim students Junior Congregation meets [...]